Submitting NEURON jobs

We provide scripts for the user to submit NEURON jobs in src/neuron/. It is suggested that the script ending in “.sh” is used for Linux-based cluster contexts; on the other hand, if running locally, the environment setup will likely be more specific to the machine, and the script ending in “.py” is the better choice. The acts as a buffer for to set up the environment and load appropriate modules for job submission. The script takes the input of the Run configuration and submits a NEURON call for each independent fiber within an n_sim/. These scripts are called using similar syntax as “./submit.<ext> <run indices>,” where <run indices> is a space-separated list of integers. Note that these submission scripts expect to be called from a directory with the structure generated by Simulation.export_nsims() at the location defined by “ASCENT_NSIM_EXPORT_PATH” in env.json.