Python simulation class


The user is unlikely to interface directly with Simulation’s resolve_factors() method as it operates behind the scenes. The method searches through Sim for lists of parameters within the “fibers” and “waveform” JSON Objects until the indicated number of dimensions (“n_dimensions” parameter in Sim, which is a handshake to prevent erroneous generation of NEURON simulations) has been reached. The parameters over which the user has indicated to sweep in Sim are saved to the Simulation class as a dictionary named “factors” with the path to each parameter in Sim.

The required parameters to define each type of waveform are in S8 Text. The Python Waveform class is configured with Sim, which contains all parameters that define the Waveform. Since FEMs may have frequency-dependent conductivities, the parameter for frequency of stimulation is optionally defined in Model (for frequency-dependent material conductivities), but the pulse repetition frequency is defined in Sim as “pulse_repetition_freq”. The write_waveforms() method instantiates a Python Waveform class for each “wave_set” (i.e., one combination of stimulation parameters).


The unique combinations of Sim parameters are found with a Cartesian product from the listed values for individual parameters in Sim: Waveforms ⨉ Src_weights ⨉ Fibersets. The pipeline manages the indexing of simulations. For ease of debugging and inspection, into each n_sim/ directory we copy in a modified “reduced” version of Sim with any lists of parameters replaced by the single list element value investigated in the particular n_sim/ directory.

The Simulation class loops over Model and Sim as listed in Run and loads the Python “sim.obj” object saved in each simulation directory (sims/\<sim index\>/) prior to Python’s handoff() to Java. Using the Python object for the simulation loaded into memory, the Simulation class’s method build_n_sims() loops over the master_product_index (i.e., waveforms ⨉ (src_weights ⨉ fibersets)). For each master_product_index, the program creates the n_sim file structure (sims/<sim index>/n_sims/<n_sim index>/data/inputs/ and sims/<sim index>/n_sims/<n_sim index>/data/outputs/). Corresponding to the n_sim’s master_product_index, files are copied into the n_sim directory for a “reduced” Sim, stimulation waveform, and fiber potentials. Additionally, the program writes a HOC file (i.e., “launch.hoc”) containing parameters for and a call to our Wrapper.hoc file using the Python HocWriter class.

To conveniently submit the n\_sim directories to a computer cluster, we created methods within Simulation named export_n_sims(), export_run(), and export_neuron_files(). The method export_n_sims() copies n_sims from our native hierarchical file structure to a target directory as defined in the system env.json config file by the value for the “ASCENT_NSIM_EXPORT_PATH” key. Within the target directory, a directory named n_sims/ contains all n_sims. Each n_sim is renamed corresponding to its sample, model, sim, and master_product_index (<sample_index>_<model_index>_<sim_index>_<master_product_index>) and is therefore unique. Analogously, export_run() creates a copy of Run within the target directory in a directory named runs/. Lastly, export_neuron_files() is used to create a copy of the NEURON *.hoc and *.mod files in the target directory in directories named “HOC_Files” and “MOD_Files”, respectively.