
Named file: config/user/runs/<run_index>.json


Instructs the pipeline on which input data and user-defined parameters to use in a single program “run”, where one “run” configuration serves a single Sample and a list of Model(s) and Sims(s). Enables operational control (breakpoints, which FEM files to save/discard). Keeps track of successful/failed FEMs in Java.


To declare this entity in config/user/runs/, use the following syntax:

  "pseudonym": String,
  "sample": Integer, // note, only one value here!
  "models": [Integer, ...], // pipeline will create all pairwise combos of …
  "sims": [Integer, ...], // … models and sims
  "recycle_meshes": Boolean,
  "models_exit_status": [Boolean, ...], // one entry for each Model
  "endo_only_solution": Boolean,
  "keep": {
    "debug_geom": Boolean,
    "mesh": Boolean,
    "bases": Boolean
  "export_behavior": String,
  "popup_plots": Boolean,
  "auto_submit_fibers": Boolean


"pseudonym": This value (String) informs pipeline print statements, allowing users to better keep track of the purpose of each configuration file. Optional.

"sample": The value (Integer) of this property sets the sample configuration index (”Sample”). Note that this is only ever one value. To loop Samples, create a Run for each. Required.

"models": The value ([Integer, …]) of this property sets the model configuration indices (”Model”). Required.

"sims":  The value ([Integer, …]) of this property sets the simulation configuration indices (”Sim”). Required.

"recycle_meshes": The value (Boolean) of this property instructs the pipeline to search for mesh matches for recycling a previously generated FEM mesh if set to true. If this property is not specified, the default behavior of the pipeline is false, meaning that it will not search for and recycle a mesh match (see ModelSearcher (Java Utility Classes) and mesh_dependent_model.json (Mesh Dependent Model)). Optional.

"endo_only_solution": The value (Boolean) determines what data the electric currents solution will save. Since fibers are sampled from the endoneurium, after the solution is completed, only the endoneurial Ve data is necessary to run fiber simulations. If "endo_only_solution" is true, then COMSOL will save ONLY the Ve data for the endoneurium. If false, COMSOL will save Ve data for the entire model. Recommended value is true unless you intend to generate plots or other analyses which require Ve data for geometry other than the endoneurium. If this key-value pair is not present, defaults to false. This parameter only affects storage space after the solution has completed, and will not have any effect on memory usage or solution time.

"models_exit_status": The value ([Boolean, …]) of this property indicates if Java successfully made the FEMs for the corresponding model indices (“models” property). The user does not need to include this property before performing a run of the pipeline, as it is automatically added in Java (COMSOL FEM processes) and is then used to inform Python operations for making NEURON simulations. The value will contain one value for each Model listed in “models”. If a Model fails, the pipeline will skip it and proceed to the next one. Automatically added.

"keep": The value (Boolean) of each property results in the program keeping or deleting large COMSOL *.mph files for the "debug_geom.mph", "mesh.mph" and bases/ for a given Model. If a keep property is not defined, the default behavior is true and the associated *.mph file is saved. If "mesh.mph" is saved, the file can later be used if another Model is a suitable “mesh match” and "recycle_meshes" is true (see ModelSearcher (Java Utility Classes) and mesh_dependent_model.json (Mesh Dependent Model)). If bases/ are saved, a new Sim for a previously computed Sample and Model can be probed along new fibersets/ to create potentials/. Optional.

"export_behavior": The value (String) instructs the pipeline how to behave if an export n_sim directory (i.e., ASCENT_NSIM_EXPORT_PATH/n_sims/) already exists. There are three options: "selective" is the default behavior, output directories which already exist will be skipped, but any which do not exist will be generated, "overwrite" will remove the extant directory, and generate a new clean output directory in its place, "error" instructs the pipeline to exit if any export n_sim directory is found to already exist.

“popup_plots”: The value (Boolean) will instruct the pipeline to display plots (e.g. sample plot, fiberset plot, waveform plot) in a popup window. This is in addition to saving the plots in the relevant folders (i.e., the sample and sim folders).

"auto_submit_fibers": The value (Boolean), if true, will cause the program to automatically start fiber simulations after each run is completed. If submitting locally, the program will not continue to the next run until all fiber simulations are complete. If submitting via a computer cluster, the next run will start after all batch NEURON jobs are submitted.


  "pseudonym": "template_run",
  "sample": 0,
  "models": [0],
  "sims": [0],
  "recycle_meshes": true,
  "models_exit_status": [true],
  "endo_only_solution": true,
  "keep": {
    "debug_geom": true,
    "mesh": true,
    "bases": true
  "popup_plots": false,
  "export_behavior": "selective"