
Named file: config/user/<mock_sample_index>.json


Instructs the pipeline on which user-defined parameters to use for synthesizing nerve sample morphology inputs (i.e., 2D binary images of segmented nerve morphology) for a single sample in preparation for 3D representation of the nerve in the FEM.


To declare this entity in config/user/<mock_sample_index>.json, use the following syntax:


Eccentricity (e) is defined as a function of the major (a-) and minor (b-) axes as follows: f1

  "global": {
    "NAME": String
  "scalebar_length": Double,
  "nerve": {
    "a": Double,
    "b": Double,
    "rot": Double
  "figure": {
    "fig_margin": Double,
    "fig_dpi": Integer

  "populate": {
    "mode": "EXPLICIT",
    "min_fascicle_separation": 5,
    "Fascicles": [
        "centroid_x": Double,
        "centroid_y": Double,
        "a": Double,
        "b": Double,
        "rot": Double

  "populate": {
    "mode": "TRUNCNORM",
    "mu_fasc_diam": Double,
    "std_fasc_diam": Double,
    "n_std_diam_limit": Double,
    "num_fascicle_attempt": Integer,
    "num_fascicle_placed": Integer,
    "mu_fasc_ecc": Double,
    "std_fasc_ecc": Double,
    "n_std_ecc_limit": Double,
    "max_attempt_iter": Integer,
    "min_fascicle_separation": Double,
    "seed": Integer

  "populate": {
    "mode": "UNIFORM",
    "lower_fasc_diam": Double,
    "upper_fasc_diam": Double,
    "num_fascicle_attempt": Integer,
    "num_fascicle_placed": Integer,
    "lower_fasc_ecc": Double,
    "upper_fasc_ecc": Double,
    "max_attempt_iter": Integer,
    "min_fascicle_separation": Double,
    "seed": Integer


"global": The global JSON Object contains key-value pairs to document characteristics of the sample being synthesized. Required.

  • "NAME": The value (String) of this property sets the sample name/identifier (e.g., Pig1-1) to relate to bookkeeping. The value will match the directory name in input/ containing the synthesized morphology files created by the Required.

"scalebar_length": The value (Double, units: micrometer) is the desired length of the scale bar in the generated binary image of the scale bar (s.tif). Required.

"nerve": The nerve JSON Object contains key-value pairs for the elliptical nerve’s size and rotation. Required.

  • "a": Value is the nerve ellipse axis ‘a’ which is the full width major axis (Double, units: micrometer). Required.

  • "b": Value is the nerve ellipse axis ‘b’ which is the full width minor axis (Double, units: micrometer). Required.

  • "rot_nerve": Value is the nerve ellipse axis rotation (Double, units: degrees). Positive angles are counter-clockwise and negative are clockwise, relative to orientation with a-axis aligned with +x-direction. Required.

“figure”: The figure JSON Object contains key-value pairs for parameters that determine the size and resolution of the generated binary masks. Required.

  • "fig_margin": The value (Double, >1 otherwise an error is thrown) sets the x- and y-limits of the binary masks generated. The limits are set relative to the maximum nerve ellipse axis dimension (+/- fig_margin*max(a, b) in both x- and y-directions). Required.

  • "fig_dpi": The value (Integer) is the “dots per inch” resolution of the synthesized binary images. Higher resolutions will result in more accurate interpolation curves of inners in COMSOL. We recommend >1000 for this value. Required.

"populate": The populate JSON Object contains key-value pairs for parameters that determine how the nerve contents (i.e., fascicle inners) are populated. Required.

  • "mode": The value (String) is the "PopulateMode" that tells the program which method to use to populate the nerve. Required.

    • As listed in Enums (Enums), known "PopulateModes" include

      • "EXPLICIT": Populates the nerve with elliptical inners that are defined explicitly by the user.

        • "min_fascicle_separation": The value (Double, units: micrometer) determines the minimum distance between fascicle boundaries in the binary mask image that the pipeline will allow without throwing an error. This value controls the separation required between fascicles in the binary mask only. There is a separate parameter for forcing a distance (post-deformation) of the nerve between fascicles and between fascicles and the nerve boundary in sample.json. Required.

        • "Fascicles": The value List[JSON Object] contains a JSON Object for each inner. Required. Within each JSON Object, the following key-value pairs are present:

          • "centroid_x": Value (Double, units: micrometer) is the x-coordinate of the centroid of the best-fit ellipse of the Trace. Required.

          • "centroid_y": Value (Double, units: micrometer) is the y-coordinate of the centroid of the best-fit ellipse of the Trace. Required.

          • "a": Value is the ellipse axis ‘a’ which is the full width major axis (Double, units: micrometer). Required.

          • "b": Value is the ellipse axis ‘b’ which is the full width minor axis (Double, units: micrometer). Required.

          • "rot": Value is the ellipse axis rotation (Double, units: degrees). Positive angles are counter-clockwise and negative are clockwise, relative to orientation with a-axis aligned with +x-direction. Required.

      • "TRUNCNORM": Places fascicles in the nerve with size and eccentricity randomly based on a truncated normal distribution. Rotation of fascicles is randomly drawn from uniform distribution from 0 to 360 degrees.

        • "mu_fasc_diam": The value (Double, units: micrometer) is the mean fascicle diameter in the distribution. Required.

        • "std_fasc_diam": The value (Double, units: micrometer) is the standard deviation of fascicle diameter in the distribution. Required.

        • "n_std_diam_limit": The value (Double) is the limited number of standard deviations for the truncated normal fascicle diameter distribution. The value does not need to be an integer. Required.

        • "num_fascicle_attempt": The value (Integer) is the number of different fascicles from the distribution that the program will attempt to place. Required.

          • If "num_fascicle_attempt" does not equal "num_fascicle_placed", a warning is printed to the console instructing user to reduce the number, size, and/or separation of the fascicles.

        • "num_fascicle_placed": The value (Integer) is the number of successfully placed fascicles in the nerve cross-section. Automatically populated.

          • If "num_fascicle_attempt" does not equal "num_fascicle_placed", a warning is printed to the console instructing user to reduce the number, size, and/or separation of the fascicles.

        • "mu_fasc_ecc": The value (Double) is the mean fascicle eccentricity in the distribution. Must be <= 1 and > 0. Set to 1 for circles. Required.

        • "std_fasc_ecc": The value (Double, units: micrometer) is the standard deviation of fascicle eccentricity in the distribution. Required.

        • "n_std_ecc_limit": The value (Double) is the limited number of standard deviations for the truncated normal fascicle eccentricity distribution. Required.

        • "max_attempt_iter": The value (Integer) is the number of different random locations within the nerve that the program will attempt to place a fascicle before skipping it (presumably because it cannot possibly fit in the nerve). We recommend using 100+. Required.

        • "min_fascicle_separation": The value (Double, units: micrometer) determines the minimum distance between fascicle boundaries in the binary mask image that the pipeline will allow without throwing an error. This value controls the separation required between fascicles in the binary mask only. There is a separate parameter for forcing a distance (post-deformation) of the nerve between fascicles and between fascicles and the nerve boundary in sample.json. Required.

        • "seed": The value (Integer) initiates the random number generator. Required.

      • "UNIFORM": Places fascicles in the nerve with size and eccentricity randomly based on a uniform distribution. Rotation of fascicles is randomly drawn from uniform distribution from 0 to 360 degrees.

        • "lower_fasc_diam": The value (Double, units: micrometer) is the lower limit of the uniform distribution for fascicle diameter. Required.

        • "upper_fasc_diam": The value (Double, units: micrometer) is the upper limit of the uniform distribution for fascicle diameter. Required.

        • "num_fascicle_attempt": The value (Integer) is the number of different fascicles from the distribution that the program will attempt to place. Required.

          • If "num_fascicle_attempt" does not equal "num_fascicle_placed", a warning is printed to the console instructing user to reduce the number, size, and/or separation of the fascicles.

        • "num_fascicle_placed": The value (Integer) is the number of successfully placed fascicles in the nerve cross-section. Automatically populated.

          • If "num_fascicle_attempt" does not equal "num_fascicle_placed", a warning is printed to the console instructing user to reduce the number, size, and/or separation of the fascicles.

        • "lower_fasc_ecc": The value (Double) is the lower limit of the uniform distribution for fascicle eccentricity. Must be <= 1 and > 0. Set to 1 for circles. Required.

        • "upper_fasc_ecc": The value (Double) is the upper limit of the uniform distribution for fascicle eccentricity. Must be <= 1 and > 0. Set to 1 for circles. Required.

        • "max_attempt_iter": The value (Integer) is the number of different random locations within the nerve that the program will attempt to place a fascicle before skipping it (presumably because it cannot possibly fit in the nerve). We recommend using 100+. Required.

        • "min_fascicle_separation": The value (Double, units: micrometer) determines the minimum distance between fascicle boundaries in the binary mask image that the pipeline will allow without throwing an error. This value controls the separation required between fascicles in the binary mask only. There is a separate parameter for forcing a distance (post-deformation) of the nerve between fascicles and between fascicles and the nerve boundary in sample.json. Required.

        • "seed": The value (Integer) initiates the random number generator. Required.


  "global": {
    "NAME": "Alien1-1"
  "scalebar_length": 1000,
  "nerve": {
    "a": 3000,
    "b": 2000,
    "rot": 45
  "figure": {
    "fig_margin": 1.2,
    "fig_dpi": 1000
  "populate": {
    "mode": "UNIFORM",
    "lower_fasc_diam": 450,
    "upper_fasc_diam": 500,
    "num_fascicle_attempt": 10,
    "num_fascicle_placed": 0,
    "lower_fasc_ecc": 0.5,
    "upper_fasc_ecc": 0.99,
    "max_attempt_iter": 100,
    "min_fascicle_separation": 10,
    "seed": 123